Twelve Nations of Space
it has been eleven months since I have posted to my blog, I have been out of it
since they changed my pain meds, and I am not doing great right now as that
they are changing them back because I spent the last eleven months sleeping
twelve to sixteen hours a day, and it sucks, I am glad they are changing my
meds back so that I will lose the Rumple Stilkin effect. With all that said before
the pain kicks back in let’s get on with this.
so I have been watching the show Ancient Aliens for some time now on the
history channel, great show by the way. Any way it is sent my mind in to motion
thinking about the group that is called Ancient Aliens believers, and some parallels
in our world with records from around the world. So now I am going it to a area
that I have been researching for a look time when I was questioning my faith. I
guess it happens to some of us.
started a journey into the world of the past looking to see if we were the meek
and it led me back to our creator. I want to make it perfectly clear I am a man
that loves, respects, and fully believes in God, The one true God the Creator
of Earth, the solar system, the galaxy, and the universe. I will never veer
from my belief in God, and even at gun point and if you shot me I would not
change that belief. I believe that God and only God created the entire universe,
and that if there are more than just us in the universe he created them too.
Maybe it is what was said in the New Testament that other nations will see and
know of Jesus when he ascended into Heaven, I do not know, but what I do know
is going to be told here.
here it I am going to put this out there for the world to see. There is Sumerian
text of clay tablets that talk of twelve nations in space, and there is a
record mentioned threw out text that I have seen in my research that tells of
thirteen skulls that are the records of the twelve nations in space and a
thirteenth being Earth, but only seven of these skulls have been found. They are
made of pure quartz and carved against the grain which should have made them shatter,
and man has not been able to reproduce them. They are said to billions of
amounts of data, which we know from research that it is true that quartz can
hold higher amounts of data than our typical hard drives of today. Why we have
not fully embraced this technology is beyond me at this time but I will find
the answer one day.
I am going to tell you my theory from what I have learned. It is a simple one
and still holds to my belief in God. There is a change if you look at the text
of the bible that says that when the time comes for Jesus to return that the
twelve tribes of Israel must reach one hundred forty four thousand no more, and
no less. So if this is fact is it possible that these twelve tribes are the
twelve nations in the bible that the Sumerian text talks about and other
do this for simple sake of argument that it is true, and I am not saying it is
or is not, it is just a theory and I want to use the idea that it is fact, and
were the thirteenth tribe. Let me explain that first, so here it is in the full
starts with the fact that the book of Revelation says that all men and women
are to risen from the dead into Heaven and that those laid to rest in the sea
will be first, and those in the ground second, and it goes on to say that when
the twelve nations of Israel reaches one hundred forty four thousand then Jesus
will return to sit on the throne of God in the true church. But who are these
twelve tribes of Israel? I do not know for sure at this point but what if it
has something to do with who we are, and not by nation but by something
simpler, and goes back to the fact of the tower of babul, when God changed the
color of our skin, and our langue’s so that we would have to start over and
learn to speak to each other. Remember it would have been a scary time on that
day, it sent everyone running to other parts of the earth and to seek out those
that could understand them.
these tribes cannot be because of langue because on that day there came out the
hundreds nations that still exist today even if they changed their name of
their nation it is still the same nation.
could it be because of race, well let’s see, you have the Anglos, the Blacks, the
Asians, the Hispanic, the North American Indians, and this is based on the
color of skin, not how they speak because those tribes have migrated all over
the planet. So we have Black, Red, White, Yellow, Tan, skinned people, so it is
not by race, these tribe I believe are lost to history as far as the real truth
of these tribes and are only known to God and the Angels. But what about the twelve
tribes of space, I do not think they really play in to the roll of the bible myself
but hey I could be wrong but only God knows the answer to that.
these twelve tribes of space exist and only God knows that for sure at this
point, and were a combination of these twelve tribes then what happened to the
advance technology that got us here. Or did they bring a select few of each
tribe to this planet to make sure the twelve tribe survive this I cannot answer
yet either and I will only find the answer to that the day I stand before God
and I ask him.
it possible that we were dropped off here to make sure the twelve tibes survie
and was not allowed to bring the technology with us and is it possible that the
area in the middle east that is full of radiation was where we blew up the ship
after we got off of it and used a device that vaporized it and left the
radiation behind. Could be a good way to explain the area, but I have no idea
of that either at this point, again this is all theory.
there you have it in a brief without going overboard. Even if the theory is
true what of God, someone asked me, I told them this, God created the Heavens
the Earth and on the seventh day he rested and in this seven days he created
man, but it does not say he only created man on the earth it only says he
created man, and in His image.
is it possible that we are not alone and that we are part of the twelve tribes
of space? Sure it is possible and because God created the heaven and the earth
and the solar system and the galaxy and the universe it is very possible and it
still leaves the fact that there is but only one god.
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