If you get the Oxford Eagle here in Mississippi which I hope some of you do, then sometime this week you will see a letter to the Editor from me that will be published. I could not get them nailed down to the exact date, but after two phone calls from them today, I believe that they are most likely going to publish this tomorrow or Friday. So those of you that get the Oxford Eagle keep an eye out for it. Or you can go here (if you can find it on this site let me know because I could not find any letters posted to the editor): http://www.oxfordeagle.com/index.html
It is about one of the videos from McCain, but if you do not get the Oxford Eagle and cant find it on their page I will be posting the letter here here. I am not posting it now because I want to see if they edit it or if they really publish it, you know how things can change in the news world. We'll just have to see huh? Either way I will give them the chance to publish it first, then I will publish the full letter here.
This is the first of letters several letters I have written them that they feel needed to be brought to the public attention. I have in the past written them a couple of letters on the handicapped issues in Oxford and how the city has treated those of us that are handicapped and one on how the mayor of the city only looks to the square. Well that has changed after a few other people have stepped up and started working with the city and someone got the DOJ involved and they are looking at the city and its handicapped issues and the sidewalks are being fixed and added as they should have been back in 1994 when the cities of this country under the ADA Act were told that all areas must be handicapped accessible by February 2000 to include the sidewalks and parking.The county is another area all together, and I will be writing the County Supervisor (My old boss) Johnny Morgan on this soon. I will be sending him several copies of the stuff that must be done to bring the county up to the ADA Act. Oh wait all of this is an entirely different posting.... me and my ranting huh?
To get back to the posting that I started to begin with. Sorry I know I go off on these tangents of other things, it is how my mind works in streams of stuff and I get routed to them before I complete my thought so sorry but that is me.
At any rate this letter being published excites me and to have it published by the local paper is one of the things that get these things into to the public eye and into their thoughts. I remember after I went before the city council that there were several people talking about it at the coffee shop that I would go to (that is no longer open) and I overheard them for days after discussing the fact that the city left me out back (at what is now called the "black door of city hall") for almost an hour even after I sent my son up to get them to come unlock the service entrance, which by the way is also the handicapped entrance to city hall. Even though that story does not state anything about me being left out side, someone at the City Council Meeting stated talking about it.
There were several handicapped people that tried to get it changed, but the city says the Oxford Historical Society stated "This building is a Historical Land Mark and can't be changed". So you see when you do things like write letters to the editor and go before the city council and it gets in the paper it gets the public thinking and talking. It is also a way of standing up for the rights of the people and our freedoms. The standing up for our rights of the people should be done by everyone every day. Then and only then would our government be forced to start doing the right thing for the people by the people, and this is a major issue in this country today.
I know I have said this before; it is true in my eyes that this should be done. It is time that our government returns to the state when it was afraid of the people. It is time that we the people get a bill written that forces our state and federal government to come to us the people to vote to get its raises, and if the people of the state feel that our senators and congressmen and women are not doing the job for the people by the people then they do not get a raise. If after three attempts to get a raise and they fail then they must step down at the end of their term and not be allowed to run and not get a so called retirement check every month even for one year in office.
This is happening to this day, after one year in office a senator, congressman or woman, and our president get a check every month. I wish every job had to do that don’t you? This bill would have to be of course forced onto the ballot for the people to vote on it. I believe that everyone that votes would agree with this, and look at how it would cut the budget of the government spending, with all those checks not going out to the former people of our government that never deserved them to start with.
I wrote this letter to the editor to help get a view to the public that I felt that the public should be aware of. Also I said at the beginning, the letter will be posted after it is published. Also I will still be posting my letter to Congressman Childers in a couple of days, nope I have not forgotten that either. I mailed that letter on Saturday so his office should have given it to him by now and I should be receiving a response from this letter soon.
Ok that is it for now everyone have a great day.