Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Obama Blames Lobbyist, Politicians for Financial Crisis

Ok so yesterday I said that Obama and McCain did not fill the answer to my question that I always ask my self. Last night and this morning I was out doing research for my "Right to Vote" on which candidate would make the best choice to fill the position of President.

Someone tell me if I am going crazy here....

Because the more I dig the more I am finding on how I agree with some (more than not) on the views of Obama. This does not mean that I have changed my vote as of yet. At this point I am still voting for the Consititutionalist Baldwin.

So here is the deal this morning I got this story in my email from CNN (CNN<---- click here) quick news that I get every morning. For the record I usally glance at it read the breifs that are included with the headlines and if it is important enough I read the article that is included with a link or I just delete the email.

Well this morning there was another story on Obama and his views on an issue. This one was on what this post is titled as. I have been intrigued as to how may times (and yes I am keeping track) that Obama opens his mouth and what comes out of it I agree with. Yes I know those of you that I have been in email conversations are saying "see I told you so", that is such an ugly phrase, but it happens to the best of us. Also if it comes down to it and I find that I am voting (OMG!! am I really saying this or contemplating this) for Obama then I will let it be known that "Hey I was wrong". So until that day comes please those of you that have been in these email conversations please hold the "I told you so" until then.

For the record this is the seventeenth thing that Obama has said that I agree with and Baldwin is still ahead by the huge margin of twenty-nine. There is also the fact of Obama's record, and the controversy of him not being allowed to run for office. Then there is the suit that was filed against him, that still has not been decided in court. Which I am keeping an eye on.

The other thing that has me making this post is that he (by his record, not just his mouth) is on the side of the military and the veterans of America. This is a big issue with me and you that have read my blog understand why.

So here is the deal, Obama may not be the candidate that I am going to vote for but I wanted to let it be know that I am starting to see why a lot of you may end up voting for him.

So we'll see where this leads, I will keep you informed. As for McCain I will never vote for him, not by his record of selling out America to the highest dollar that he can put in his pocket. Following the "Bush plan", Supporting bush in every way, Along with trying to give away "Citizenship" to the illegals! Which is one thing that Obama also voted for. So that is a minus against him.

Also I have to agree with a friend of mine that
said "If Americans want to change the Senate, then change the Senator." I think that the Senator and Congressmen and women know this change is coming. Just like it did in the thirties when the American people were tired of the way things were being run into the ground.

I also still think that we the people need to get a bill on the ballot that forces the Senators and Congressmen and women to have to come before their state in an election every year for a raise. If we feel that they are not doing the job by the people for the people then they dont get their raise. Also if after three attempts and they do not get the raise then they have to step down and do not get the check every month, that they get now.  Also I feel that they should only be allowed to hold office for two consecutive terms, just like the president. Not hold their office for life if they choose to run that long. But this is another topic for my blog... maybe tomorrow.

Ok as a friend said "that is my two cents worth!"

Have a great day everyone

Monday, September 22, 2008

An email I got without a valid return address!

How many of us get these emails every day. Thousands I guess, and I am not sure where this guy got my email address. I am not even sure if his name is really Geroge Penny. All I am sure of is that he emailed me. So today I bring that email out in this blog for your comments and discussion.

So here we go. we start with the original email as it was emailed to me.

As this very complex finance bailout plan takes ship, all that's clear so far is that each American will be contributing $7,500, a figure somewhere in the 1

As this complex finance bailout plan takes shape, all that’s clear is that each American will be contributing $7,500 to it. The total figure is somewhere in the 1.5 trillion dollar range. Apparently, nothing in the plan forces the bailed-out companies to change their ways.

In the midst of this fog, Barack Obama offered the following list of guidelines, demands from Congress for assurances that the final deal must reflect “the basic principles of transparency, fairness, and reform.” He issued this statement today at a rally in Charlotte, N.C.  His list actually works well as a template for letters that we all should be writing to Congress, letters insisting that we get something for what we are paying for. Here’s his list from today’s speech:

“First, there must be no blank check when American taxpayers are on the hook for this much money.

Second, taxpayers shouldn’t be spending a dime to reward CEOs on Wall Street.

Third, taxpayers should be protected and should be able to recoup this investment.

Fourth, this plan has to help homeowners stay in their homes.

Fifth, this is a global crisis, and the United States must insist that other nations join us in helping secure the financial markets.

Sixth, we need to start putting in place the rules of the road I’ve been calling for for years to prevent this from ever happening again.

And finally, this plan can’t just be a plan for Wall Street, it has to be a plan for Main Street. We have to come together, as Democrats and Republicans, to pass a stimulus plan that will put money in the pockets of working families, save jobs, and prevent painful budget cuts and tax hikes in our states.”

I suppose it shouldn’t be too surprising that Mr. Obama should come up with something this comprehensive. Just out of law school, Obama worked for a year as a financial researcher and writer in a New York firm called Business International Corporation. His wrote newsletters outlining points of interest for companies doing business overseas. The newsletters were aimed at senior executives and had arcane titles like "Financing Foreign Operations" or "Investing, Licensing, and Trading Conditions Abroad."

It’s nice that he can apply whatever chops he learned to our current mess, and not a minute too soon. Somebody’d better do something. Here are links to his speech and his background on Wall Street:



Ok now for my response to this email and I sent it to several of my friends too. Also when I sent it out I got the return respons that George Penny's email was invalid, This frustrates me to no end. If your going to email me at least give me a vaild email so I can email you back. Especially when it is a vlaid email that is worth discussing, and giving my views on it or at least the topic of the email. This guy did point out in his six points that I agree with so I did not have a coment on these. I did however have to respond on his final coment about Obama. That responce is here. Unedited and paisted as it was sent out to my friends.


I am not sure who you are or how you got my email address, but after reading your letter this is what I have to say in responce. (the original is at the bottem for those of you I included into this conversation) As for his speaches anyone can make a promise, I know this from running in school as class VP. Everyone should realize that a promise out out of a candidate's mouth is worth nothing. It is the actions of the candidate that has to stand for his or her proof as to weather he or she is going to hold up that promise.

As for Obama,  I do not like this crooked individual and will not be voting for him, I will not be voting for McCain either. there is only one choice out there, and this year it is time to vote for a different party.

It does not any longer boils down to the lesser of two evils, not when you have the Constitutionalists Party and the Independent Party. But every one forgets about them. The more that this comes into play the more the Democrats and the Republicans are going to start to change back to "It's about America and the people, not themselves"

Also this will also force the hand of the removal of the electoral college that should have been taken out of play when women (the last minorty in America) were given the right to vote. The electoral college was put into place to allow the people that were not allowed to vote the ability to be counted into the election process.

This is archaic and very out of date and this is why states are removing them selves from the electoral college, there are now seventeen states, (Iowa is one of them as of this year) that have removed themselves from this process to make the votes of the people count. This is one of the things that is still forcing the American public not to vote.

This years election is one of the most important elections in the history of America. It is because the person that gets elected this year is the person that is either going to run the USA into a second depression or is going to work for the people by the people. This brings me to my point.

You have to ask your self one question, and that is this.

Is any of the people that are running regardless of the party going to work for the American people?  

If you can honestly say yes to this question, as to any of the people that are running regardless of the party then that is the only person that you should vote for. I ask my self this question every election year and usually there is no one that fills into this question (except the year Regan ran). You also have to do the research on all of the people running as I have done. This year there is only one person that I can say, yes he or she is going to fill the position of President as a person that is going to help the American people and that is the Constitutionalists party candidate, Chuck Baldwin.

He is willing to give the power back to the people and enact the constitution back into play. There was also the candidate Ron Paul and if he was still running, I would have voted for him, like thousands of other people would have.

This year is the year that the American people need to stand up and vote for the person that is going to work for America. "Not the lesser of two evils!!"

Everyone please do the resarch of all of the canidates without looking at all the hype that is out there. Look insted at the record of each candidate and make your choice from all of the candidates not just the repbulican and democratic parties.

Ok I am now seteping off the soap box, everyone have a great day.

So can someone point me to the George Penny in question so that I can at least respond to his email. I did check the headder and its IP sends me to gmail.com That tells me this guy whom ever he is is computer savy as to at least manipulating the email program on his system right down to the sending IP. All I can do is hope that this either came from a friend that does not want me to know that he or she sent it or he canseled his email address with Gmail.

Ok I now open the floor to everyone that wishes to coment on these two emails.

Y'all have a great day.

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