All the Rants and Raves about the worlds pluses and minuses that Floatingeagle feels is worthy of a comment!!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
I got an email today stating that there is a proposal to the constitution, This email states:
Amendment 28
Congress shall make no law that to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the senators and the representatives, and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators that do not apply equally to the Citizens of the United States.
I am ok with that but when I did a search for it and I found that there is no proposal or even an amendment 28 in the constitution. So I guess this would be considered a joke email. I did however find a site proposing the 28
Amendment to be:
Amendment 28
Section 1. The sixteenth amendment to the constitution is hereby repealed.
Section 2. An individual's income, from whatever source is free from any direct tax by the federal government of the United States. In no way shall a report of income be required of the United States.
Section 3. Indirect taxes collected should be apportioned among the several States with regard to census or enumeration.
Something neither of these added to their proposals is that there is a paragraph that needs to be in all amendments this being, This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States. Without that statement then the amendment is not actually passed by law or an amendment to the constitution of our great nation.
You see the states must ratify an amendment to the constitution. If they fail to do so in a timely manner then the amendment is null and void and would have to go before congress and the senate again until the states ratify it, and without ratification of an amendment, then the amendment fails. So if either of these amendments was actually added to the requests of Congress and they passed then they would go to the Senate, and if the senate passed them then they would go before the Governors of each state. The Governors then have to sign the amendment and if three fourths of the states do not sign the amendment, then the amendment still fails, you can see when most amendments to the Constitution of the United States passed by reading this site this is an official government site of the amendments to our constitution that list most of the amendments by amendment and then list the state and date at the end of each amendment.
So if all of the above amendments were put into place then from the point that they were ratified the senators and congress men and women would thereby be subject to the laws that they pass. Something that has not been in effect for years, you see the Congressmen/woman and Senators of our great nation are above the law, just like our judges. It has become a sad time for America that our law makers and law enforcers, meaning the judges, and our president and vice president are all above the law; they cannot be arrested in any country and cannot be detained for anything they do. Which gives the president the right to commit any crime he/she feels they want to break and there is nothing that can be done to them until congress and the senate impeach the president, or vice president. This is also something that I think should be added to an amendment because this country was founded by the people for the people, they should have the right to call a special election by ballot of the states to remove the president and the congress/men and women and the senators of our government at any time that the majority of the people feel he/she is not working in the best interest of the people to which elected him or her.
I feel personally that if an amendment to the constitution was to be put forth for our constitution it should be this:
Amendment to the Constitution of the United States,
Section 1. Hereby gives the power of the people of the United States back to the people of the United States by, allowing them to call for their governor of each state to call a special election to remove any Congressman/woman, Senitor from office
Section 2. The people of the United States hereby have the right to remove any Vice President or President from office by special election if at any time three fourths of the nation of the people feels that the Vice President or President is not acting for the people by the people.
Section 3. The Congress or Senate no longer has the right to vote for themselves a pay raise, they must go to their state and ask for a special election from the people of their state that they are elected, for a pay raise. After the second time of asking for a pay raise fails, there will be a special election held to see if the people want to replace the Congressman/woman or senator in there state. When the special election is passed an second special election shall be held to vote for a new person to fill the vacated position.
Section 4. The President will only receive a pay raise at the time of election, and at no time while in office can the President be give a raise until three fourths of the Congress and Senate have been given a raise by their State.
Section 5. The Congress and the Senate or the President or Vice President can not in any way change this amendment without the vote of the people of the United States in an election or special election of the people.
Section 6. The Congressmen/woman, the Senators, Vice President and President shall pay taxes in the amounts of twenty percent on all income while in office, and at no time can they amend the Constitution to change the right not to pay taxes or the amount of taxes on their income while in office.
This Article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by three fourths of the States in the United States.
This is the first amendment I would put forth to the people of the United States the next one I would put before the people of the United States would be
Amendment to the Constitution
Section 1. the sixteenth amendment is amended.
Section 2. The people of the United States are to pay a flat tax of one percent of income in federal tax on all income earned from employment or by self employment.
Section 3. All other taxes are hereby amended to zero taxes from the people
Section 4. If at anytime that the Congress or Senate feel that the tax needs to be increased the Congress must call for a special election of the people of the United States to change the income tax.
Section 5. There shall be no longer any tax returns or tax filings given by the United States for the taxes on income.
This Article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by three fourths of the states of the United States.
This amendment is a belief that the money for the government has to come from somewhere to pay our government people. I also believe that an amendment to the Constitution should be made to stop our government from bailing out business that their people make bad decisions, it is up to companies to bail themselves out of the mess that they make for themselves. I also think that an amendment to the constitution should be made to abolish the FED (also known as the Federal Reserve) along with an amendment to allow for health care in the form that it is the same health care that is used by the congress and senators now and should be supplied by the insurance companies out there now and in the future, it is the right of the people to be healthy not a privilege of those with money to be healthy, but I also think it is not the right of the government to be in the people lives. It should be up to that person to choose how much of that care they wish to use. It should be provided at no cost to anyone all health care should free for all, but the only way to do that is either pass an amendment to the constitution to allow for the states to pay the companies that provide it or have the government pay the fees to those companies or to pass a law that says that there will be no cost for health care in the nation by any doctor or hospital. I also feel that that it should be that way when it comes to lawyers too. It should not cost anything to have to be represented in court by a lawyer, they have that to a point, all lawyers must give a certain amount of time out as pro bono but every attorney I know has a way around that by doctoring their books that they are taught in school.
If the government was to make health care free to everyone what would that do to our current health care system? That is the biggest worry I have right now when it comes to this issue. We have the best health care in the world or so we are lead to believe. So what would happen to it? How many doctors would leave the profession to find another line of work to pay their bills and supply their way of life. I believe that thousands would leave and thousands of medical students would leave school to move to another profession. I am also a believer of Star Trek type of lifestyle of society that everything should be free, but until the replicator is made it will never happen. Because the replicator is the key to that kind of society, and without the ability to have every person in America to have everything that is made available to them free would destroy are way of life. Also until the entire world comes around to the belief that everything should be free to everyone it also will not happen unless we cut our country off from the rest of the world in the aspect of importing anything and everything, but again we would have to have the replicators in everyone's hands.
Even with all this said we have to have the support of enough people across America to force our government people to pass such amendments and for that would take an extreme amount of phone calls and faxes and an extreme amount of originations like the Campaign for Liberty.
Blessed be our free nation! And may the Tree of Liberty quench it thirst in these days of tyrants!!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Time To Give My Views on Chruches
I got an email today that triggered this. I need to ask that those of you that get my blog in their email to please post their comments on the blog site and not email me please, I will have to go back and post them and it is a lot of work to do so. You need to also understand that these views are my own and I stand behind them so if your going to try and start an argument that I should not be this way please understand this is from years of having to deal with the feelings, so lets try not to go there in your comments. With that said lets get started, (note that for some reason I can get the font from the email to change and it is going to look weird) and we start with the email I got in my email, and Thank you Pat for sending it to me and keep them coming, they are great, I was going to send this to just you but then I felt it better to post to my blog, and thank you for this as it gets some spent up feelings out of the way.
Now this is the Living Bible:
His name is Bill.. He has wild hair, wears a T-shirt with holes in it, jeans, and no shoes. This was literally his wardrobe for his entire four years of college.
He is brilliant.. Kind of profound and very, very bright. He became a Christian while attending college.
Across the street from the campus is a well-dressed, very conservative church. They want to develop a ministry to the students but are not sure how to go about it.
One day Bill decides to go there. He walks in with no shoes, jeans, his T-shirt, and wild hair.. The service has already started and so Bill starts down the aisle looking for a seat. The church is completely packed and he can't find a seat. By now, people are really looking a bit uncomfortable, but no one says anything.
Bill gets closer and closer and closer to the pulpit, and when he realizes there are no seats, he just squats down right on the carpet.
By now the people are really uptight, and the tension in the air is thick.
About this time, the minister realizes that from way at the back of the church, a deacon is slowly making his way toward Bill.
Now the deacon is in his eighties, has silver-gray hair, and a three-piece suit. A godly man, very elegant, very dignified, very courtly. He walks with a cane and, as he starts walking toward this boy, everyone is saying to themselves that you can't blame him for what he's going to do.
How can you expect a man of his age and of his background to understand some college kid on the floor?
It takes a long time for the man to reach the boy.
The church is utterly silent except for the clicking of the man's cane. All eyes are focused on him.. You can't even hear anyone breathing... The
minister can't even preach the sermon until the deacon does what he has to do.
And now they see this elderly man drop his cane on the floor. With great difficulty, he lowers himself and sits down next to Bill and worships with him so he won't be alone.
Everyone chokes up with emotion.
When the minister gains control, he says, 'What I'm about to preach, you
'Be careful how you live. You may be the only Bible some people will ever read!'
His love is always with you, His promises are true, And when we give Him all our cares, You know He will see us through.
I wish that I could find a church near us like this, but we have been to every church here and because we cant tithe, or cant dress the way the people here do we are treated like we do not belong there, it is a sad day when I have realized that the only way for me and my family to have our faith and not be treated like we do not belong in their churches is to do what Jesus did and that is to spend the day with family and friends that feel the same way.
No wonder more people do not go to churches, someone once told me that the churches are full of hypocrites but I did not believe them, but now I do, guess that is why Jesus said in Mark, Mathew and John, "do not pray in the churches, and synagogues, as the hypocrites do but pray in private in a closet" this is stated with the Lord's Prayer. Which by the way only the Catholic churches sill preach is the only prayer you need to pray. I am not saying I am catholic, because I am not, I am a biblical religionalist meaning that I believe in the way that Jesus did it and that is with family and friends in my home. I choose this belief because of the way I have been treated in the churches. I also will stand and tell anyone who askes me the truth like I did saturday to a woman from the church that we were members of, I was treated badly at the church and I saw racialism in the church, and I can not attend a church that allows it to go on, I spoke with the elders and the pastor of the chruch about it and was told and I quote "he is one of the most highest tithing members of our church, we let him act the way he wants to" I told them that is hypocritical and I would never come back. and this brought about the changes in my life to become a biblicalist as I like to call it. So this brings me to my next point, that helped make these changes as well.
Not once have I ever heard a minster speak the facts that Jesus stood up in the synagogues and spoke against the taking of money, but I do hear the story of the person that God struck down in the church for not giving everything they owned to the church. It is my belief that God does not what our money but wants our love and faith and nothing else. It is time that the people of the world realize this, I say this as my example, there is the smallest country in the world and it is the richest as well, and the money is horded in banks not used for what it should be used for, and that is the caring of our neighbor, this country is the Vatican City, in the middle of Rome. the money the churches take in are meant to be used to help our neighbors, not grow our churches but that is what it is mainly used for. This is true for all churches they take in money and hoard it in banks but not help the people that they are required to help. all of this money is suppose to help the people in your communities, not meant to be horded in the banks to draw interest and make the churches wealthy. and my next point is that a true minister of God does not get paid to speak the word of God but is a volunteer of the word that he or she is putting out there. A true church of God survives by the people that are in it giving the things that the church needs to build it, the lumber, the electricity for its heat and lights, not the people or the church paying for it.
You know that I find it amazing that people can stand and say their atheist but then say they don't believe in god, there is only two people in this world that have said that God does not exist, and they are my ex-wife and George Carlin. These are the only to people that I have ever heard say those words allowed in public. George Carlin did it during one of his shows, and he said "I tried I really tried to believe in a supreme being but I just could not", and my ex-wife stood in a catholic church and did it, and that afternoon they excommunicated her. The strange part of this is they both were raised catholic, and that I just find strange. You will never ever hear me utter those words, but you will hear me talk of the Creator or the Great Spirit all being God, because I am also an American Indian, and not a Native American, (I can not handle the political correctness that they try to force me to use) and there is a miss conception among the American people, that is why the called us heathens, it is not and I'll save that for another time.
I guess there comes a time in every mans life that he has to stand up and say why he believes in the things that he does, and this is just a peice of they way that I believe in one of the things I do. As it is said in the bible, We are to believe in God in our own ways and this is my way of beleiving in God.

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