Friday, September 12, 2008

The Cause and Effect of the Economy

Ok we have all seen the economy and its effect it is having on all of us at the lower levels of the income scale. Yet the rich seem to be getting richer and since when does the American Economy base its scale on the cost of oil? This is a question that was asked of me the other day, a question
that I could not answer. Yep me the one that is full of useless knowledge could not answer the question.

Well I went out and did the research, and found that after the supposed oil crisis in the seventies (for the record I lived threw) I found that the USA bases its prices on the cost of oil. This has happened ever since we were taken off the gold standard. Hmm, a switch that was expected by the wealthiest of the wealthiest, I think so. But hey that is just my opinion!

So will someone tell me this, since I am tired of digging for the answer? If the rich are still getting richer then what is going to happen when the economy falls out completely? Then what are the rich going to do, just like in the twenty and thirties. The rich forget they were affected by the great depression just like the lowest of the lower class. When the banks started to fall and the bottom fell out of the stock market the richest of the rich were jumping out of the empire state building to their deaths. We have all seen the films. So if there are no jobs to be had and no ways to make the money then what are  the wealthy going to do? Do the work them for their companies? I think not! But again that is my opinion.

I read the story that was published on the CNN website titled "Oil prices fall -- will groceries follow? The story says no and I agree with them. The fact those of us that lived during the seventies know that the prices are not going to fall even if the prices return to normal. Why is this? It is simple the prices in America are based on the cost of oil plain and simple. Even if these oil prices fall the cost of the products in America does not. It is because of the BOTTOM LINE of the companies and the RICH STUFFING THEIR POCKETS! By the way this article points out in a small way without really doing it.

What about if the economy bottom falls out, the rich have their off shore bank accounts to fall back on. Well that is true but that will only last for so long because the off shore account do not give interest. Not one of them, I know this because when I lived in Germany I put marks in a German bank account and let it sit until the exchange rate dropped. When I left Germany the exchange rate
had dropped because of a new president in the U.S. Our decision on who becomes our President has reaching effects on other economies. I did not know this until I was stationed in Germany. When I got there the mark rate was 3.05 for every dollar and I watched it climb to 3.12 and I exchanged a hand full of dollars for marks and deposited them into a German bank, and asked about interest
and was told that the banking system that I was putting my money into did not do interest. I thought cool that will protect my money, but I won’t make any money until the rate falls. Which it did I watched it drop from 3.12 for every dollar to 1.06 when I exchanged it and made a great return. Back to the President deal, if the foreign people like our President then there economy changes in our favor, how this works I have yet to figure out, all I know is that it does.

Now that just proves that everything in the world is based on "for every action there is a reaction" and this is also pointed out in this article. The price of corn and grain mean higher feed cost, this is because our government is trying to get everyone to grow corn for the "GREEN AMERICA" which affects the price of meat. This also causes the invisible pricing. What is this you ask? Well this is when the price of corn oil goes up it causes the size of potato chip bags to shrink but the price stays the same. Do not believe me look at the size of these bags when you are in the store next
time and think about how much a bag of potato chips weighed two years ago compared to today, and yet the price is the same if not more. Cause and effect or action verses reaction, also once a package shrinks they always seem to stay that way so no matter if the prices of corn oil or gas drops, the effects stay the same.

Also now with Chavez is forcing out our ambassador you can expect those cheep stations that were buying their oil from Venezuela to go up, "the proof is in the pudding" as my Grandmother always told me. It starts today with places like the local Double Quick Station raising their prices seventeen cents. Along with the Kroger Station and you can guarantee that the other stations are going to follow suit. Why? Because the bottom line will go into the pockets of the higher ups, they are also blaming hurricane Ike. Yeah right! These hurricanes never affected them before, but now they are, and it is because of the bottom line. The higher ups want to fill their pockets more and
more and they need to blame something, and I guess Ike is better than nothing in their books.

So in the end "Cause and Effect" or "Action vs. Reaction" is filling the pockets of the rich and the richest of the rich. I still would like to know what they are going to do when the bottom falls out like it did in Russia and the twenties and thirties.

This is just my opinion, and I am one of the ones on the lower end of the economy.

If you want to read the article that I based this on you can find it here on the CNN website.

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