Saturday, July 19, 2008

Losing it Because of the Cost of Living

Well it looks like I am going to be off the net for a while come the twenty eighth of this month.

With the ever changing price of gas causing the up climbing price of food, and necessary supplies and electric and water cost going up. This is becoming inevitable to everyone I guess.

Those of use that are barely making it are going to be in a really sad state in coming moths if our government does not do something to stop it. With the banks starting to fail, and the dollar drooping more and more, millions will be homeless and living on the streets in all the cities, just like in the thirties.

Even if those that have a job are not going to be able to afford the things they need like electric and water and food and the rent. If the banks keep failing then everything else will fail. The jobs, the companies, and the stores. If this happens then there will be no way to get food, cloths, and the other things we must have to survive.

You remember the photos and the news films of Russia while they were in their depression, we help bailed them out of their depression by giving them food and cloths. There is no country rich enough to help us out of our depression and we will be on our own. Which means our depression will last longer than any and we will become a third world country.

We have seen those pictures of the third world countries and places that the people are living in shanty towns this is what is going to happen again to America again, just like the thirties.

I will be going to places like the library at the Ole Miss Campus, and to the local coffee shops to check my email and to keep this blog running. This seems to be the only way I have to go right now. there is nothing I can do right now to prevent this. This just happens to the best of us at times.

Something has to go to try and keep food in the house and gas in the car to keep my wife working and I have to keep the phone to stay in contact with my doctor and to order my meds. So this is what I chose to go right now, but things change and we maybe able to make some other changes and get the net back we will have to see.

Those of you that email me and stay in contact via email keep emailing me I will be checking them as I can get to town.

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