Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Infomercials and their hype

Is it me or does it bug you that the first thing you see when there is a infomercial about to start that states that the TV station showing these infomercials "is not responsible for the content" of what the infomercial says, which I say is bull. If we have to pay to be able to watch the station then that station thereby provided a service to the people that watch the station, and that should make them liable for the false advertising that that infomercial puts out, and that beings me to the reason for this article.

How many of you have seen the infomercial that the Danbury Mint show on various TV stations for the presidential dollars, and please remember this is just one mans opinion of what these infomercials seem to be. The Danbury  Mint is just the most recent one that I have seen, and they are starting to drive me crazy with the full of crap statements they are making. Since I am a coin collector it upset me that they stated that you can not find presidential dollars at a bank, well I called every bank in my small town and I called several banks in Memphis to include several of the major banks that are nationwide. All of the banks I called have these presidential dollars, but now for the key to what they would say is these are regarding the untrue statement is that there uncirculated dollars, well you can not get uncirculated dollars at any bank, you have to specially order them threw your bank. This is how you get them either in a full roll or a single coin, you can also contact the Treasury directly for the uncirculated coins as well. In the infomercial the woman in it states you can not find any of the presidential coins and then iterviews a bank manager, what a crock of out right lying to the consumer. You may have to do what I did to find the coins, I was told to call the main branch of my bank and a couple of the other local banks told me the same thing, and I found several of the Washington dollar to include full unopened rolls  from the mint.

Now on to the others, there is a saying out there if it is to good to be true then it probably is not true to start with. With that said then why are these infomercials allowed in the first place. I called the FCC, and tried to find out all I got told was I could file a complaint. This is an out rage that infomercials are even allowed. The one that gets to me the most is the Cash Flow Business, this one drives me insane, along with the others that are along the same line, the real estate one, and any other one that says, "stop living paycheck to paycheck" if you buy into these programs you better do your research first. Remember that the first thing you have to have for any kind of business is at a minimum of ten percent of the start up cost of any business, then you need an CPA (certified public accountant) next you need a lawyer to write out your contracts, and when that is done your going to need a tax id along with a business licenses, next you have to find investors to have on had to buy these so called cash notes, then you have to find these notes to buy, oh but wait the infomercial says that you can do all of this with the packet we sell you. but the packet is just the beginning, your going to have to go to seminars an sit on the phone in conference call classes. That is if you want to achieve the amounts that these people in the infomercial say they make.

There are hundreds of infomercials shown every day on TV but you might be surprised to learn no one really governs what it fact and what is a fictitious infomercial product, meaning that there is not one government body or some kind of company out there protecting the consumer. I called the U.S. Consumer Protection Agency, and spoke with a really nice lady that explained to me that it has never been set up to control infomercials. I wish I had gotten her name so I could call her back with more questions. I also called the U.S. Attorney Generals Office and talked to them about infomercials, and the man I spoke with told they get thousands of complaints everyday, I asked why isn't there a agency that governs the people that put out these infomercials, it is after all the Attorney Generals Office to help protect the consumer from these types of things, it is after all no better than having a thief reaching into your pocket and taking your money. I was told that it would be up to us the consumer to get an agency appointed to control these infomercials. Which these days we all know trying to get our congress and senate to do anything for the people to protect them is like pulling teeth out of the mouth of a mule with out using anesthetic.

So what do we do, to start protecting our selves from these fast talking people in these infomercials? I have only one way and that is no matter what else is on change the channel to anything but an infomercial and watch the show that is on till the infomercial is over and your show comes on, if your TV is not on that channel then the TV stations will get a clue there losing people to watch there station and when that happens they lose money because they lose clients base on ratings for the content on the station at that time, the more they lose the sonner these infomercials will not be on TV any more.

For the record it has taken me two months to put together this article in my spare time, and it is something that I felt needed to be said. Remember if it sounds to good to be true, do the research to find out if it is true, and even then it is still going to be a lot of work to do.
There is no such thing as the no capital, you have to pay out money to make money, and there is no way to get rich quick, and that is the thing that all these infomercials are counting on.



Sunday, August 30, 2009

Evony: Age I - Browser Game

Evony is a browser game that plays on any computer no matter the speed of the processor, type of video card, amount of memory. Evony is one of the real times games of strategy that plays even when off line. If your into the conquer the world your in type games then Evony is another one of your games. You make friends faster than any other game on line just by chatting in the world mode, and when you join an alliance your friendship of everyone in the alliance is almost automatic. Evony is a fast paced growth game of conquer the players and NPCs (non-player cities) around you, and with the alliance you join your help to take over your area from your enemy players is greatly improved. There are even prizes that you can win while playing, and if you sign up now you will get a beginners pack to help you on your way to the conquering the world. I play this game on server 44 everyday, yep you can say I am hooked on it. or at least that is what everyone tells me. I just can not seem to get enough of this game, I am in one of the strongest alliances on the server called Burn, and with our leaders BlackPearl and AireXX and our alliance members we are a group of friends from around the world that have quickly became the targets of the server. The entire time I am in the game playing I am chatting the friends that I have made in the USA, AU, Europe, and I am still trying to find out where everyone is from in our alliance, this is the best game for making friends. The world of Evony is set in the middle ages of history, you start with a city and build up to a castle and create more cities to improve your strength, and show that you are growing in strength by the way your city looks on the map. Evony is one of the fastest growing communities on the net today, millions have joined in on the game play, you should too, and if you follow the quest guide that is built into your screen you will soon be among those of the other alliances most wanted hit list. What a way to spend time relaxing and enjoying great conversation than playing a game that you are going to make friends fast and get to conquer the world at the same time, not your first person shooters but more of the middle ages of empire take over games that will consume you. You've been warned! The game of Evony I thought when I joined was going to be away for me to take time and relax from the days unwinding, but it turned into one of those games that I cant wait to get home to say hi to my friends and to check on my troops and cities. I want to get on line every chance I have even at friends to check on my cities. The growth of Evony is one of the fastest growing communities online today, and I cant wait to see where it goes from here. Become one of these that is out to take over the world in Evony today, just click here to enjoy the world of Evony today, and don't forget to say hi to floatingeagle when you see me in the Evony world.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

What is with our Veterans Affairs Office

An article on the CNN website about the Veterans Affairs giving out twenty-four million dollars to their staff in 2007 and 2008, even though they are not doing their jobs correctly and still have a back log of disability claims as far back as 2003. This is an out rage that goes along with the rest of what our government is doing with our tax dollars. which is throwing it to whom ever they please for bad decisions. The outrageous part of this is that there are veterans that have not received their disability that is justly deserved for giving there all to our country. They have even discharged veterans for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and said it is a case of Mood Disorder and because they were discharged with a "Mood Disorder" instead of PTSD they get no disability or a pension that they rightly deserved for their service to our country. I am not going to go into the crap they have put me through trying to get my disability, which has yet to be awarded me as well, that is another posting in its self. The Veterans Affairs Office report also called the payments "not fiscally responsible." states that four high level employees received $60,000.00, $73,000.00, $58,000, and $59,000.00 respectively, and a new employee received $4,500.00 within her first 90 days of being hired. The annual award per employee in both years that was given, it out turns out to be $2,500.00as stated in the report. Even Jennifer S. Duncan a retired employee received $60,000.00 plus in bonuses, and she improperly approved more than $140,000.00 in bonuses as well, the reports states that she acted like she had a blank check when came to handing out money. A few are going to be made to pay back the improperly given money, but just who it that is going to have to pay back it does not say, I am a firm beliver that most of this money will never be paid back and the Higher employees should have to pay back the funds as well, but I do not believe that they will be made to pay it back, or go to jail. The Veterans Administration said it is looking into the situation, and "does not condone misconduct by its employees and will take the appropriate corrective actions for those who violate VA policy," This according to a statment that was given to someone at CNN, of course I'll believe that when I see it happen and they arrest those that do not repay the money. But what about the veterans, are we ever going to see our disability, those of us that defended our country in the time of war and in the time of need that our government felt it needed to put us in harms way. I for one say and will always say those that went to wars or were put in harms way by the needs of our government (harms way, meaning the Panama Conflict, the black ops missions that are kept secret, the yellow stone fire that was deemed a domestic enemy and so on) should be given their disability no questions asked, those that served in the times of war see the worst of things that should not be seen by anyone, and if our government says stand proud and defend our nation in this location then it is their responsibility to care for those that were injured even in ways that cant be seen by looking at the vet, looks are deceiving. So if you have read this and are like me then do what I did and write a letter to:

Department of Veteran Affairs Attn Secretary of Veterans Affairs: Eric Shinseki 810 Vermont Avenue NW. Washington, DC 20420

Letting Mr. Shinseki know how we the American public and veterans feel about this and how our veterans are being trated after they are released, discharged , and resign from the military.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

My Friends Blog's

Young Americans for Liberty - Ole Miss Chapter